La vanilline est le nom du principe odorant (arôme) de la vanille, qui, dans l’industrie agro alimentaire, est souvent utilisée dans les pâtisseries. Suivant ce qui est énoncé dans le texte reproduit plus bas et publié par The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA), la vanilline est, la plupart du temps, produite de façon synthétique. Néanmoins, il arrive également qu’elle soit dissoute dans de l’alcool lors de sa préparation… A partir de là :
- S’il s’agit de la vanilline en poudre, la consommation du produit qui le contient est licite.
- S’il ne s’agit pas de vanilline en poudre :
- Selon l’opinion de certains, il faut éviter de consommer le produit qui le contient sauf s’il est établi qu’elle est d’origine synthétique et qu’elle n’a pas été mélangée à de l’alcool. (Réf : Voir texte reproduit plus bas)
- Selon d’autres (c’est là l’avis qui fait autorité chez les hanafites et qui est retenu par le C.S.H.R.), si l’alcool employé comme solvant de la vanilline n’a pas été élaboré à partir du raisin ou des dattes (ce qui est le cas en principe : l’alcool utilisé est lui-même d’origine synthétique), il est permis de consommer le produit qui en contient. (Réf : Fatwa de Moufti Ibrâhim Dessaï, publiée sur le site de Al Balâgh)
Wa Allâhou A’lam !
Vanilla is a plant product. It is extracted with alcohol as the solvent of choice, from the vanilla bean and is normally kept in a solution containing alcohol. It can be used in powder or liquid form. If you examine at a bottle of vanilla extract, you will find it lists alcohol as an ingredient, along with the percentage of alcohol. (In the USA, a minimum of 35% alcohol is required for it to be called natural vanilla.)
Some may feel it is okay to use baked goods containing vanilla extract because the alcohol evaporates during the baking process. However, not all the alcohol evaporates during baking or cooking. IFANCA does not certify this type of product.
Vanilla can also be used in the powdered form. In this form, the beans are either crushed without the addition of alcohol, or they are crushed, dissolved in alcohol and then purified. During purification, the alcohol is distilled off so there is no alcohol remaining. In this case, the use of vanilla is acceptable. For specific products, the label will only show vanilla or vanilla flavoring, so you cannot determine which form was used. In such cases, you would need to contact the manufacturer of the product to determine if the product is acceptable or not.
Vanillin and ethyl vanillin are flavorings present in vanilla beans. In their powdered form they do not contain alcohol. In current practice, most of the vanillin and ethyl vanillin is produced synthetically; however, the food companies may also dissolve them in alcohol before they are used in the food items.
As far as alcohol is concerned, there are a number of Ahadith, in Sahih Al-Bukhari and other sources where the Prophet, salla ALLAHu alaihi wa sallam, has stated that all intoxicants are haram. Also, the Prophet, salla ALLAHu alaihi wa sallam, was asked about a drink made form honey and he responded that all intoxicants are haram. The Prophet, salla ALLAHu alaihi wa sallam, was also asked about drinks made from corn and other grains and he asked if they cause intoxication. When told they do intoxicate, he responded that all intoxicants are haram. In another narration, the Prophet, salla ALLAHu alaihi wa sallam, said all intoxicants are Khamr and all intoxicants are haram. So in general, all intoxicants, regardless of the source, are haram. (Khamr is commonly considered to be ethyl alcohol, also known as ethanol.) It is also haram to buy, sell, produce, transport, grow the raw materials for or in anyway be associated with the alcoholic drinks (Khamr). Vanilla is not a drink, but it does contain a large amount of alcohol. Even though it is used in small quantities, it is better to avoid it.
And ALLAH, Subhanahu wa ta’ala, knows best.